Matthew 24:6-8
Russia's invasion of Ukraine this week provides an occasion of "Bible prophecy" advocates to speculate that certain End Times prophecies are being fulfilled. They want to say that Putin's actions prove that Jesus is about to return. Faithful Christians must pay careful attention to what Jesus has said about such things. Jesus taught his disciples to always watch and wait for his return, because he will come without warning, "like a thief in the night."
In the light of the Bible's use of the "reaper" metaphor for Death, Christians understand that there is good news even in the midst of a pandemic.
Recent, violent riots combine with the recent pandemic to raise questions about just what kind of moment we are living in. There is a temptation to fear, because the times are unfamiliar to us, and many things that seemed secure are now in question. In this message, we consider how the once-and-for-all hope in Christ gives Christians hope for this time and for all others.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to our churches being closed for about two months now. What if we can't go back to the way things were before? What if we can reopen our churches only at a drastically reduced capacity? Times like these urge us to look to Lord Jesus for guidance. The story of the healing of a paralytic in Mark 2:1-12 suggests that we need to consider that Jesus might be doing something new with the Church today. To preserve genuine worship gatherings in this time of social distancing, might house churches be a way forward? Might it be that Jesus is sending his Church home?
This message draws upon Proverbs 2 for insight into how we, the Church, can help our community as the coronavirus crisis deepens.
The Coronavirus pandemic has gotten everyone's attention. Numbers of cases of people infected with this new virus increase rapidly, and some people are dying. There is more that is unknown about this disease than is known. At such times, fear begins to distort the reality of the situation.
This sermon highlights current facts about the disease according to trusted experts. Several suggestions are made regarding how Christians can see these developments, finding hope rather than fear and panic. In the confusion of the recent riots in Charlottesville, VA, followers of Jesus must be truthful, loving, and open with the good news of Jesus the Savior and Lord.
July 2023